Accounting Collector |
If you have been using the internet, you would have come across words like 'good resume,' 'impressive resume,' 'excellent resume,' and 'great resume.' Do you think all these heavily coated words have different meaning to solve? Not at all, these are just used by professional writers to frighten and extract money from job seekers.
In reality, resume writing is nothing but just a compilation of the responsibilities handled in your job, and putting it in a nice and understandable language. The idea behind it is to show the employers what you have done in your career, what are your objective, skills, and academic qualifications? And how all these features suit with the applied job.
Here are few essentials you should not ignore while drafting your account collector resume.
Personal information
There are few resumes I came across where I found this crucial information at the end. I will not deny the fact that it is one of the resumes writing style. However, reading such resumes, these days, seems like we have gone several decades back. So, if you want to match your step with the latest trends, start with this information at the top of your resume. Add your full name, contact address and numbers along with the email address.
Again, I will like to point the mistakes most jobseekers commit. When they write their career objective, it reads this way, "Seeking a challenging position in…" You should rather be specific and write, "Looking to implement my five years of account collecting experience for the benefit of the company." Try to make it as simple and plain as possible. One more tip I would like to give you is to get the cream of the job responsibilities out, and build a sentence sticking to it.
This is where you have to look at through the prospective employers’ eyes. A good account collector resume will combine the necessary skills and experiences according to the employers’ demand. The way you describe your experiences will decide whether you will be rewarded with an interview, or will be considered the next time if any vacancy arises. Therefore, explain it in verbs that show action. If you confuse the employers with unnecessary phrases, then you will have to wait for years for an interview call.
The account collector resume should include experience like, "Helped ABC Company in locating negligent customers by tracking their records, and notified them by email, letters, telephone and frequent regular visit to collect payments."
Include some of the specific achievements, skills that you can repeat or use it in the applied job. For example: Worked in a team, and collected overdue payments of $2.5 million from several customers that were pending for more than 180 days.
State the latest degree/diploma you have earned, or training program and certification courses attended. Include the name of the college/university from where you have completed your studies, the year of passing.
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